Things Have Changed In Physical Therapy
Aug 02, 2022
It used to be that you could hang an “Open for Business” sign on your door and the patients would come rushing through. Unfortunately, those days are over. Now, physical therapy clinics are competing with independents, big box style physical therapy chains, physician owned therapy clinics and hospital clinics. It’s not enough that you know you’re better than the competition. You need to prove it and make it known!
- To increase patients, you need to market to referral sources to keep them referring, non-referring sources to entice them to refer, current patients to refer their family and friends, and potential patients who would love you if they only knew about you.
- To increase insurance reimbursements, you need to make sure you’re getting the maximum allowable, review your contracts, and use our Boost Billing Platform for Work Comp and Auto bills so they will not get re-priced.
- To recapture lost revenue, and then eliminate future lost revenue, a billing review must be done. Are your therapists billing correctly for their time? Are you getting paid correctly? Are your payer settings in your EMR correct? Are you billing to the maximum, legally allowable? These are tough questions and many owners do not know the answers. And these are just the starting points.
Advanced Rehab Management Services provides solutions to achieve a thriving and profitable physical therapy practice. Reach out to see how we can help your practice get more patients, obtain higher reimbursements for your comp and auto patients, and help get your billing in order. There are lots of ways to increase revenue.
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